eÏjeDtfptapofelo2ÍouoZgace is hereby reconciled to us, and we to him, and that for ever. I I. Hereby we come, alto to have peace in our own Souls, or peace of Confcience; nor in- deed can we ever have true peace any other ways : For, can your repentance give you peaceof Confcience? CanTears of Blood a- peafeDivine Wrath, or fatisfyDivine Jul-lice ? Can Reformation of life give you Peace , or your inherent Sanaification, or pious and religious duties ? Do you fetch your peace from thence ? If you do, your peace will be turned into trouble and anguilh ofSpirit ; or on your lively and fpiritual Frame give you true and lafting peace ? I affirm 'tis a falfe peace that is imply grounded on a lively and Spiritual Frame or difpofition ofHeart, for there can be no truepeace of Confcience but ;Feb. 13. by Jefus Chrift ; thro the Blood of the ever- 20. lafting Covenant. He, is our peace, &c. He P.1:11-85.8. will (peak peace to his People. -- Not as the oh.. 14. World giveth, give I unto you. Dare a Man 27. plead his Faith or good Duties to Juftifie him, and fo from thence fetch his peace and com- fort; alas ! What unrighteoufnefs cleaves to our righteoufhefs, what doubtings attend our Faith, and what wandringsof heart attend us in our belt Duties nay, may we not find fome t ypocrifie in us alfo, tho in the main .we are sincere ; our peace is only had in Chrift. III. 'Tis only by the peace made by Chrift, as is revealed in this Covenant, that a poor wounded difparing and diftreí`fed Soul comes to have peace, I once ited a pafrage out