Keach - Houston-Packer Collection BT155 .K4 1698

'te Dtfptapof togotto oNnce: or, is it that is juft a going to God's Tribunal, that dares to pleadwhat he hath done, or is wrought inhim ? alas, all hands will be weak, all hearts faint, andall felf-confidence will fail them : This Covenant is therefore all our Hope, our Peace, and all our Salvation, and in it there is indeed a Salve for every Sore. vSE. I, Sinner take hold of this Covenant; and tho thou art an Eunuch, i. e. a poor dry barren and fruitlefs Soul, yet if thou take hold of God's Covenant, or canft but get J¡a 56 Faith to take hold of Chrift, God will give 4' 5' thee a Name in his Houfe better than that of Sons and Daughters. z: Saints do you fix your eyes alto, upon this Covenant, to plead the Blood and Me- rits of Chrift in this Covenant ? Reft alone upon the Lord Jefiis and on the Faithfulnef's of God, inhis promifes in this Covenant, for tho thou knoweft nothingofthy felf, yet thou art not thereby Juftified ; nor can thy fins condemn thee if thou art in Chrift, for thou Kart perfeft in him, touching thy Juffificati- on before the Throne of God. 3. With what comfort.then mayft thou O Believer take the Sacrament as a Token of the Covenant-bleflings : Yea, thou takelt it as a pledge from God, that all his wrath is over in Chrift, and that Divine Juftice is fa- tisfied towards thee in Chrift, and that all thy Sins are for ever pardoned, that . God is thy Father,