'1eColicnant of Pratt', .ir malt Father, Jefus Chrift is thy Saviour, and ]Hea- ven is thy Inheritance, but here T Ihall Con- clude at this time. 20 SERMON X. Shewing the Covenant of Peace, is a try'd Covenant ; that it is but one Intire Covenant, viz. That the Co- venant of Grace and Redederntion, are not Two diftin&t Covenants as force lately affirm, but only one and the fame Covenant : That t'is a Cove- nant full of the Strongeft confolation, and lafUly an EverlaflingCovenant. S A. x. Neither (hall the Covenant ofmy Peace be removed, faith the Lord that bathmercy on thee. AM upon the opening the nature of the Feb.' io. Covenant of Peace, or to thew you what 169 find of Covenant it is I have pafred thro