206 VieDi%iap of Ofogdüo Owe I Or, an Induaion of .Nine Particulars already ; I Ihall proceed. Tenthly, It is a Try'd Covenant. L All the faithfull Children of God ventur'd their Souls and their Salvationupon it, .-and it never failed any one ofthem ; Adam no doubt ventured his Soul and Salvation thereon, fo did Abel, Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Ifaac and acob, and all the Holy Patriarchs, andall the Holy Prophets, and the Apoftles ofYefus Chrift, together with all the Saints both in the times of the Old and New Testament, and they all found it, having try'd it, a Sure Co- venant. I I. .Multitudes of Souls departed this Life are already made Perfe& in Heaven, by the Grace and Bleflings thereof, they find it to their,own unfpeakable Joy and Comfort a fure and happy Covenant : For it was by the Me- rits and RighteoufnefsofJefus Christ, or blood of the Everlafting Covenant, they are all gone to Heaven. III. Never did any perfon venture his Soul upon Jefus Christ, by vertue of this 'Co-. venant, by Believing truly on him ; but he found it a Firm, and faving Covenant O how many have try'd and found it fo to be. I V. Satan that great enemy of Believers, and of the Souls of Men, hath often tryd it and endeavoured to Ihake the hopes of Be- lievers, and break this Covenant; but he to his 4hame and confufion fees that he cannot break the bonds thereof Ele-