Keach - Houston-Packer Collection BT155 .K4 1698

Vie Cal Pnn tt ofprate QDpenCb+ 207 Eleventhly, It is one intire Covenant, i. e. The Cove- the Covenant that was made with Chrift nant ofRe- from Eternity, is the Covenant ofPeace and ":7Pth` Cotzon Reconciliation or the Covenant of Grace - ' venant o f as well as of Redemption. For Grace, not r . Was it not made with him as our Co.- Túo di- venanting Head, and fo in himwith all Godsfu Co- Elea and for them ? Some of late times would but one án1 have this Covenant to be a Covenant of Re- the lame demption, and not the Covenant of Grace Covenant. and Reconciliation ; but a diítin± Covenant, and fo plead for Two Covenant's, betides the Covenant of Works, which w.e read no where of in the Holy Scriptures 2. Was it not wholly of the Free. Grace of God ; yea, and the higheft A& and De- monftration thereof, that he was pleas'd to enter into that Covenant withhis own Son, as our Surety and Mediator? 3. Was not all the good which we receive in time promifed to us in Chrift before the Worldbegan ? See Tit. i . 2. Nay, was not all Grace given .Fcederaly to us in Chrift in that Covenant? See 2. Tim. i . 9. Who bath fav- ed us and called us, not according to our works but according to hies own 'purpof andGrace which was given to us in Chrifl before the World be-. gan. 4. Was it not that Covenant that was made betwixt the Father and the Son, that Chrift was made the Mediator and Surety of, and Confirmed by his death ? and did not he un- dertake to Die for all Gods Elea when the Fulnefs of time was come? Or was not God