11 ebe Dif lap o1 1oxiattO ciacc t Or cor. 5. in Chrift, in and by vertue of that Covenant ¡8. 19° from everlafting a reconciling theWorld to himfelf ? And if fo, Was not the Covenant made with Chrift of Redemption, a Cove- nant ofPeace and Reconciliation alto ? Was it not reprefentitively made then for us in Chrift, and a&ually made with us by Applicati- on ; and that it might be thus Apply'd to us in time, did not Chrift engage to fee it done for us before time in that Holy Covenant then agreed on ? 5. Is there any one Promife, one Blefling, or one Priviledgwhich we received which was not Primarily granted toChrift for us in that Covenant, viz. That our Acceptation should be in Chrift, that our Justification íhould be in him, and our Sanctification fhould be in and by him, &c ? 6. Was not the Covenant of Redemption made with Chrift as a Publick Perron, a Se- cond Adam: And if fo, was it not made in him with all his Seed? Take here what a Reverend Author bath AfVerted in this cafe. Dr. C. ` That Scripture, Ifa. 53. Io, i I, 12. Is 1261 127. ( faith he) a place wherein this Covenant is clearly defcribed between the Father and the Son, and it holds forth the Covenant ofGracefully & clearly, yea the promifeofall Grace and Benefits that are contained in the Paid Covenant of Grace. And the Apástle tells us exprefly, that this Covenant agree- ' ment was the Will, by which Will we are Sanil`ifted, thro the Offering the Body of 7efus once