Ebr Coilenant ofPramOpeizeD: 209 ` once for all. - ------ He further argues 2; ` That Covenant that contains in it the ` whole matter and form in Conditions and Promifes of the Covenant of Grace, doth `-not Eflèntially differ from it; but the Co- ' venant of RedemptionBoth contain in it the ` Conditions and Promifes of Grace, yea, all ` things that pertain to Life and Godlinefs ` And it contains in it all conditions upon ` which we may be partakers of any Promi-` ` mifes, i. e. Chrift's Perfon, Offices, Sacri- fice, Righteoufnefs atiive andgaff ve; there's ` no Covenant conditionof Atonement, Pro- pitiation or Satisfa&ion unto the Juitice of ` God : But it is here, Chrift is the great ` fulfiller of the Law and fatisfier of it ; and ` he is the end of the Law for righteoufnefs to ` every one that believeth. 3. ` From the vaned difpenfationoftheCo- ' venant of Grace (faithhe) before the corn- ' ing of Chrift, their Sacrifices and Ceremo- ' nial Adminiftration held forth in a Figure, ` that it was made with Chrift and confirmed ` in him as the great Offering and Atone- ment; Chrift is there exemplified and fet ` forth as the fulnefs of the Covenant of ` Grace, both in refpe&ofPromifes and Con- ditions. q.. ` When we plead ( faith he) for any thing of the Covenant of Grace, it is the Promifes of Life made to us in Chrift, a ` Tea, and Amen; and to us in him, in re- fpe&of obtaining and performing to us. 5. ` Our Juftifying as of Faith is fixed ort P ` Chritt óm.ioäq.3