.210 Vie i010 eíoqtou0 %mQ. Or, Chrift as the Sum of theCovenant of Grace, ` as fatisfying for our Sins ; and as to whom G the Promifes weremade, and the great things promifed, as the Fountain and Meritorious caufe of all Blefl'ings,: He is given to us as ` the Covenant. 6 ` There is ( faith he) all Grace to be had in this Covenant, Frufira fit per plura quod fieri potefi per pauciora. There is no ` Grace but is given forth' and received by ` us, by the Covenant between the Father ` and the Son, the gift of the Spirit, the ` Grace of Faith, Jnf{itcation by his Blood ; 4 by him came all Grace, yea, all other fup- ` pofed Grace that came not from the Father, ` pind through Chrift is noGrace, andwill not 4 profit us. 7. ' Where `the Covenanters Conditions ` and Promifes are all from Free Grace and 4 Love to us, there's a Covenant of Grace ; ` but in that Covenant they call a diflin&Co- ` venant of Redemption, the Covenanters, the ` Conditions andPromifesare all of Free grace ` and Love to us ; God the Father from his ` Free grace and Love to us called his Son to ` this Undertaking and Covenanting with ` him ; God the Son in. our Perfons (or in our behalf) from his Love and Free grace C Covenanted with the Father, he came and freely offered himfelf to perform the Co- ` venant Conditions ; thecondition of this Co- `- venant, in all mediatorial perfeEions and (-performances, is freely promifed and beifow- ` ed upon us , the promife of Eternal life. ` Ail