Q Colrnant ofPeaceOpenct1. All GraceandGlory are promifed,and given in this Covenant : that is a Covenantof Grace ` wherein God is to us a God of all Grace. ' 8. ` Ifthe Covenant of Redemption be not ` the Covenant of Grace, then there is more ` Covenants than the Covenant of Works and ` the Covenant of Grace for Life and Salvati- ` on ; but there is nomore Covenants for Life ` and Salvation, but that of Works, and that of Grace, the Minor I think hardly any will deny If Church Covenants be alledged ` they add nothing to this Grand Covenants ` but are the accomplifhments of the promi -- ` fes thereof to whom it loth belong, it be.. ' ing promifed that they (hall be Gods Peo- ' pie ; in this Covenant Chrift Itipulates and we in him as we did in the frft Adam, then ; And when we ffipulate beingmoved ` thereunto from the grace ofthe Promife,and ` enter perfonally into this Covenant, cm- bracing that Covenant which was made for us in Chriff, 'tis called a laying hold of fit ` it is folemnly alfo own'd , profeílèd and ` reftipulated to, when we enter intoChurch Pellowfhip: the repeating and refl:ipulating, ` and renewings of the fame Covenant may ` be without changing the Covenant : For ` we find God often repeating this Cove- ' nant, and renewing it with his people in Rem ` velation and Eflablifhment, aswith Adam, Noah, Abraham, Ifaac and facob, &c. yet ` it was was the fame Covenant : So are ` Gods Children excited and encouraged ` thereunto from the Free -grace of the Paid c;aunc;f 2 1 1 Covenant. Thus this Anthór. I' z a 9Now