VieDtfptaP of OtoltottOClue: or, 1. Now let me add one or two arguments more to what this worthy. Author hath faid, viz.. If the Covenant of Redemption, be not the Covenant of Grace, or Covenant of Peace and Reconciliation whichGod calls his Cove- . nant ; The Covenant of my Peace (hall not be re- moved faith the Lord : Then it will follow, that our Peace is made with God, or God is reconciled to us by a Covenant of Grace, which we enter into with him, which Cove- nant Chrift Merited for us in his perform- ing the Covenant of Redemption; and if it be fo, how is , it Paul faith God was in Chrifl. reconciling the world to hirnfel f ? Indeed as far as I can fee, this notion of two diftin. a Co- venants of Redemption and of Grace, Teems to be defended of late, on purpofe tofavour the grand Errors of our never Methodifis viz. In the Covenant ofRedemption, fay they, Chrift made God amends for our breach of the Law of perrea obedience, by himfelf alone, and for himfelf only, that fo he might be afit Mediator, and Merit a new Law of Faith and fincere O- bedience ; (for their. Covenant of Grace is a Law of Obedience) which Law or Covenant he Con- firmed by his Death. So that nowGod, fay they, enters into a Covenant with mankind, and if they perform the Conditions of it, or fo far as they do, fo far they (hall be ju- ftifyed,and {hall haveEternal lifeprovidedthey continue unto the "end ; and thus (as before I have hinted) Chrift is our legal righte- oufnefs in the Covenant of Redemption; he fulfiled the Law of Works, or the ffri&_ Law