Keach - Houston-Packer Collection BT155 .K4 1698

ebe Cobenant of liCieetee Opertcix Law of perfe& Obedience : by giving God a fatisfying recompence, And fo he hath a- bolifhed the Law of perfea obedience ; but our Faith, Inherent-righteoufnefs, Gof pel-holinefs and Sincere obedience, is.our E- vangelical Righteoufnefs ; or that which ju- Rifies us at Gods Bar or in his fight : Now this dangerous Error, I fay, feems to follow the allowing of two diftin& Covenants. 2. There is no diftinaion between the Co.; venant of Redemption and the Covenant of Grace ; becaufe Redemption prefuppofeth Peace and Reconciliation, and not only Gods Reconciliation to us, but our reconciliation to him ; for Redemption is not from the Curfe of the Law and Wrath of God only, but al- fo from Sin, or a vain Converfation, and out I Pet. i, of the Power and Kingdomof Satan, which 18. Chrift (by his Blood as poured forth, and in it. a. i4e applying it) undertook to do in the Cove- narit of Peace ; which is called Chrift's Co- venant. As for thee by the blood of thy Cove- ,tech,. 9, pant, I have fint forth the Prifon,rs wit ofthe i i. Pit, wherein there was no water. Reverend Charnock fays, ft -is thefure- ty of the Covenant of Grace, but the Covenant of Redemption had no f rety, the Father and the Son trufed one another; the Covenant ofRedemp- tion, way not Confirmed by Blood, &c. Anfiv. Had God only entred into Cove- nant with Chrift, as a Tingle Perfon and for himf, elf, .,therehad been no need of furety ; but fince`he entred into that Coy__ .:rnt as a publick perfon, and that for broke= -< and fal- P 3 len