Keach - Houston-Packer Collection BT155 .K4 1698

Zir Diftqap ofpio$oto a3?ace or, len mankind, whom God regarded not, their Credit being for ever gone ; there was a ne- (day of Chrift's furetyfhip in that faid Co- venant, in refpeet had to thofe things, which Chrift was to do for us, and alfo work in us; which he then engaged to the Father to per- form,and if the Covenant ofRedemption from Sin and Wrath was not confirmed by the Blood of that Covenant; one grand part of our fafety_and fecurity is gone for ever. My Brethren, Our Lord jefus Chriff when See the E he fiat entred into the Covenant with the Fa- verza_fling ther, agreed to be the Mediator and Surety covenant thereof; alfo evident it is, that there are force a fireet Cordial, p. Tranfaaions where furetifhip is required, 12, 13, 14, which. a Surety muff undertake todo, and 5. readily agree unto even all fuch things which the Creditor requires and the nature of the Covenant calls for : So that there are force things that pecaliarly belong to him as fure- ty, even fo and in like manner it was here about the compleat accomplifhment of the Covenant of Grace entered into between the Father and the Son in behalf of the Elea. Yet all the good we receive through the ap- plicatory part of the raid Covenant, are but the efFa'.ts, fruits or produa of the fame Co- venant as it was made with Chrift for us, as our Surety---Alfo among Men thofe things and Covenant Tranfa&ions betwixt the Creditor and the Surety which peculiarly appertain to him to performand anfwer ( though the poor debtor neverthelefs is mainly concerned there- in ) they being fach things that muft be per- formed I