ebeCobenant ofprate Openet4 -115 formed by the Surety for him, or the Debtor can have no benefit by it ; yet the free grants to the Debtor in the faid Covenant upon the Suretys engagement is never called a diftin& Covenant in it felf, but (as I faid before) 'tis one and the fame Covenant, our Cove- nant therefore is but a branch of Chrift's Co- venant with God the Father, in which he engaged to típoufe and Marry us to him- felffor ever : Therefore I knownot what thefe Mens nice diftinaions lignifies, unlefs it be to amufe the world, or except it be for the worfer purpofe juft now hinted. Brethren, The diftin&ion lies not in two diftinec Covenants Efléntially differing from each other, but in the diftin± parts of the faid one intire Covenant. -I.One part as it refers to Chrift,viz.. he is the Surety andwe the Debtors whom he engaged for; his money and not ours pays all, and makes fatisfa&ion toGod. Chrift is the Re- deemer in this Covenant, and we the Re- deemed. Chrift is the Saviour, and we the Saved. I I. That part that appertains to Chrift was upon conditions of what he was to do and filffer, he hash obtained all for us wholly by Defert andMerit, and we have all, every way of meer grace and favour particularly in the applicatory part thereof: Moreover, let it be noted that there is a difference in refpea of the time of the making of the Co- venant, and of the Revelation, Execution and Application thereof. P 4 Chriÿt