2P3 et c Dtfp1úpofOtogotio ttmcc t or,.. Chrift in the Covenant. firft Articl'd with the Father to be Mediator and Surety, &c. and in the execution of the Covenant aaual- lydifcharges thofe Offices, and all things that appertains to them, one thingbeing his bring- ing of us home to God, or into the bonds of his Covenant. Moreover, Take here what the Reverend Affembly of Divines have faidabut e Cove- Larger cet-- nant of Grace, viz. QQQ 3o. `Doti) God leave hechifm. c mankindto perifh in a flute ofSin and Mifery ? .Anfm, ` God Both not leave all mankind to ` periíh in a Rate ofSin andMifery, into which 6 they fell by the Breach of the firft Covenant, ` called the Covenant of works ; but of his meer love and Mercy delivereth his Elea out of it, and bringeth them into a Rate of Salvation, by the fecond Covenant, corn- Q monly called the Covenant of Grace. Q 3 I . `With whom was theCovenant of Grace made ? Anfir. ` The Covenant of Grace was made with Chri.ft as the fecond Adam, and inhim ` with all the Elea as his Seed : Thus that Learned Aikmbly. From hence it cloth appear, that this opinion of two difkina Covenants was not received by that Affembly ; they own but two Covenants i. e. that of Works and that of Grace, and I am fore the Scripturesbear witnnefs ofnoother Covenant of Redemption, but that of Grace and Reconciliation, which includes Redemp- tion and all Covenant-Blcilings. MyBrethren, that very Covenant made between the Father and