T ebeCobertant of peace Openell« 217 and the Son, was hiddenor kept fecret as to the clear manifç Cation of it till Chrift came, and then it was manifefted, and the clear re- velation of it is in the Gofpel, which íhows how God manifefteth the grace of this Cove- nant byoffering Pardon and Peace to finners, by revealing of Chrift who is called the Cove- nant, and offering him to them for Life and Salvation ; fo that this Covenant contains all Grace,Mercy and Redemption. Moreover, Remarkable it is to fee how that Learned Perfon that, wrote the Book cal- led The Ark of the Covenant, (who too boldly aflèrts the Covenant of Redemption a diftinEt Covenant from the Covenant ofGrace) Both in diversplaces contradi& himfelfherein, take fome of his words, viz. ` Sothat I take ( faith ` he) themeaningof thefe words, This 'is my Eirk °fa° 6 Covenant with them, my Spirit that vs upon thee, ° 3 ant &c. to be, This is my Covenant that I have ` made with theeupon their account, and for ` their behoof; or the Covenant that I have made with them : to wit, virtully when I ` Covenanted with thee, and made promifes ` to thee for their behoof. 1-le confelleth that the Covenant . of was made with Chrift primarily, and reprefentatively, and with the Elea in him ; and all promifes of Grace was made to us in Christ in that Cove- nant :0And what do we faymore? but this is to overthrow his own Notion oftwo diítin& Covenants. Nay, the fame Author confelTeth, that the grand thing he argues for, is to prove, that there 2 or-,-)