Keach - Houston-Packer Collection BT155 .K4 1698

218 Vje afpfaU of Olotoitgi 4541u + Or, Pag. 5 there is nothing fpoken of Christ's Seed, as parties with whom God deals in this Cove- nant, and upon whom he layeth any Com- mands. Anfir. We fay fo too, Chrift is only the Covenanting party for us, and on our behalf; and all the doing and fuffering work is laid upon him, he is fubftituted Mediator, Surety, Saviour and Redeemer ; 'tis enough we were to be theSaved, and Accepted and Justified in and by his Obedience andMerits : Moreover, all Commands concerning us are given to us from God in Chrift as Mediator, but not to bring us into the Covenant, but as being his Redeemed People, as he is our King, we ought to obey and ferve him. Pag. 21. Again, he faith, ` In this Covenant Christ received his Offices, Imployment, Truít, ` Powers and Authority. Agreat truth ! (and ` in the next place he fays) Chrift is Lord ` Mediator of the newCovenant, dre. Anfiv. Is not the NewCovenant the Cove- nant of Grace, this they Confefs ; and he af- firms Chrift was chofen Mediator of the Co- venant of Grace, let ire infer upon him viz. If jefusChrift i °thatCovenant he entred in with the Father, y. .s conftituted Mediator of the New Covenant, and he is Mediator of the Covenant of Grace, How can. that Covenant be d ftiner, or Eff`entiail y differ from the Co- venant of Grace ? Moreover, 'tis obervable how this great Author, andReverend Cbxrnock direr one with the other, yet both affert the Covenants are diitin& This