Keach - Houston-Packer Collection BT155 .K4 1698

'bZ Qabertant of peacc Opctw + 1,19 This Man fays, that Chrift was' furety ofP. 26. the Covenant of Redemption ; the other de- nies it, and fays, ` The Covenant of Redeinp- Charnock ` tion had no jirety, but the Father and the Son on econciI. took each others words. True, we fay noneP 273' was a furety for Chrift to God in this Cove- nant, nor for God to us ; but Chrift in this Covenant was our furety to God,he undertook on our behalf ; one fays Chrift , is Mediator (King, Prieft and Prophet) of the Cove- Art. cf the Rant of Redemption: Cov.p.423 The other fays Chrift is Mediator of the Covenant cf Grace, but not the Mediator of charnock's the Covenant of Redemption. Feconcil. The miftake, I humbly cQnnceive, lies ink 273. this, viz.Theydiftinguifhnot betweenChrift's part and work in the Covenant as our Cove- nanting head, and the Bleffings we receive as the effecis of his Mediation.. But again, our Scatifh Author faith, Chrift Art. ofthe ` is the Covenant of Grace comprehenfively, Cov.p.4 7 he is the very compound, or there is an a- bridgment of the Covenant; in the Medi- atoes Perfon, there is the little fim, or the whole Covenant ---- --Confider this, how t the Parties Articles, Mutual Stipulations, Promifes, Proportion, and Blefiings of the 4 Covenant, are all forme way abridged in ` Chrift, and fummed up in his Perfon. ` z . Chrift is all the Parties of the Cove- nant of Grace, or rather both tht Parties c are comprehended in the Mediator'sPerfon; ` he is both the Parties in three refpe&s. e (a.) Becaufe of the Union of the two Na- ` tores_