zaó Ebe Dtfplapofetoltottoewe + or ` tunes in his Blellèd Perfon, he is God-Man, ` God made manifeft in the Flefh. (2.) Becaufe 6 the Perfon who is Mediator, is upon both ` fides of the Covenant, as being one with the ` Father and Holy Ghoft, he is on God's ` part, Yoh. 5.7.2 Cor. 9. i3.. And as he is one ` with us, he is on our fide, Heb. 2. II. I 3, ` For both he that Sancii f eth, and they that are ` Sanaified, are all of one-(3.) He is not only upon both fides of the Covenant, but ` he contraas for both the Parties. ` z. Chrift obtains the Confent of both ` Parties, p. 459. 3. The everlaftingnefs of the Covenant is comprized in Chrift, he is God everlafting, yea, an. everlafting Mediator, he was fet up from everlafting, p. 462. Now thefe things being grantedby our Au- thor, what caufe he bath to affirm, That the. Covenant of Redemption, and that of Grace, are two diftin&Covenants, I will leave to all, Mens Confederations. Fir. Sam. But further, to confute this Notion, take Petto on what another ReverendWriter hath written O thecove; this Subjea. ` The Covenant of Grace wa made and eftablifhed not only withus, bu s. 3 ` joyntly with Jefus Chrift, an& with us in him ; fo that both are but one and the fame ` Covenant : For the great Tranfatcions with Jefus, yea, even the giving and fending of him, afcd his accepting the Office Of a Re- ' deemer, and undertaking for us, are all of ` Grace, as well as, what is promifecl to us 6 through him ; therefore the Covenant of { Grace 401