c c o ettaní of peace Openers. ` Grace mule take in all that conduced (other- ` wife than a meer Decree) to our Reftorati- ` on, and eternal Salvation. ` 1. There is (faith he) no Scripture Evi- ` dence for making thefe to be two Covenants, ` (one of Redemption with Chrift, and ano.. ` ther of Grace andReconciliation madewith ` us) that difiniion which fome ufe, is im- ` pier, for the Parts are coincident, feeing ` that which was made withhim, was ofmeer ` Grace alfo, 'Yoh. 3. 16. and it is promifed, ` that he fhould be given for a Covenant, Ifa, ` 4.2. 6. therefore it's of Grace we are Re- ` deemed by him, 2 rim. i . 9. There was ` Grace before the Worldwas, and that muff 4 needsbe in the Covenant as with Jefus Chrift, which was for reconciling the World to' the Fa- ` ther, 2 Cor. 5. 18, 19. Col. I. 20, 21. It is true ` Chrift only is our Redeemer and Surety, not we in our own Perfons ; and Chrift hash forfle peculiar Precepts and Promifes appro- ` priated;.to him, which are not 'afforded to us ry, 6 in the fame manner and degree ; yet this hindreth not the Onenefs of the Covenant K4` ` withhimend us. 2. The Covenant of Grace was made ` with Chrift as a publick Perfon, a fecond ` Adam, and therefore with all his Seed in ` him. ` 3, All in the Covenant as with us, is un-.. ` dertaken for, and promifed in the Covenant ` between theFather and the Son, and fo to- ,ether makebut one Covenant. 4. ALI 221