tttjcDi%iapofobto#oto 4113giCe + Or, . All Covenant Bleffings are primarily grarated toChrift ; Thus this Great and Worthy Perfon.See alfo theEverlaftingCovenant ASweet Cordial for DroopingSouls, p. i o. to z S. But becaufe in my two Sermons Preached and Ptblifhed on the Everlafting Covenant, I have anfwered the Reverend Mr. S. C's Eight Arguments, to prove the Covenant of Re- demptiona diftin&Covenant, I Ihall refer the Reader to that fmall Traëi, and fay no more to this at this time. Yrwelfthly, The Covenant of Grace, is a Covenant of Confolation, of ftrong . Confola- tion. . Confideringwhat is contained in it, and alfo the Nature of it. 2. In that it is all our Hope and Salvation, all the Waterof Life flowsdown to us through this Covenant. 3. In that alto it affords us Comfort in all Times, States and Conditions, both in Life, and at the Hour of Death ; and this was that which was David's Dying,. or Sick-bed Cordi- al. For Confider, Art thou aflii&ed, or tempted? Look into this Covenant ; Seedwill Imake to endure for ever : If his Children forfake my Law then will Ivifit their TranfSrefons with the Rod, Vic. but my loving Kindnefs Twill not take away, from him nor Ma er my Faithfidnefs to fail. See i cor. I o. i 3. . Or, Art thou Backfliden from God ? See what God faith ; I trill' heal their Back(lidin b s, and love themfreely, Do