4006 EbeColQnat1t of peace epeneti+ 223 Do thy Sins grieve thee ? AIWA thy Soul ? . 4 rr Look into the Covenant; I will be mercifr,J to fèr.313; their Tranfgrefons, and their Sins and iniquities 32)33. Iwill remember no more., Or Art thou deferted ? God is faithful,' he re- members his Covenant, he will return a- gain. Doll fear thou !halt fome time or another depart from God ? Read. the Covenant Pro- mifes ; Iwill put my fear in their Hearts, and Jer:32.4o, they ¡hall not depart fromme. Doll thou fear thou !halt fuffer want, yea, want Bread ? See the Covenant; He will give Pf84. z Ye Grace and Glory, and no good thing will he with- hold from them that walk uprightly.---If therefore there be ary Confolation in Chrift, if any Comfort of Love, if any .Fellowfhip of the Spirit, if any Bowels and Mercies, 'tis all in this Cove- nant. Laftly, It is an everlafting Covenant ; He bath madewith me an everlafting Covenant : As it was made from everlafting, fo it will abide to everlafting ; 'tis compared to God's Cove- nant of the Day and Night, 5er. 33: 20. Thus faith the Lord, Ifmy Covenant of the Day andNight, and that there fhould not be Day and .Night, then may alfomy Covenant be broken with David my Servant. Covenant Love is ever- lafting Love, Chrill's Covenanting Obligati- on was an everlafting Obligation, Covenant Efpoufals are everlafting Efpoufals ; I will be- Hof.2. I9i troath thee to me for ever : Covenant Redemp- 20- don is eternal Redemption, and Covenant Salvation is an everlafting Salvation ; Ifrael ¡hall