ebeCßD.eizanr ofPeaceOpeneti. TheFirIt and chief Gift which is given in this Covenant, is. pd,himfelf; and in fpeak- ing to this, r . Í fhall, Gód offting, thew you how God comes to be our God in this Covenant. 2. Sheen you what this ofhaving God to be our God doth import. 3. I (hall fbew you what a wonderful Gift, Grant, and Priviledg e this is. I. My Brethren, how Man had God to be Env Tre his God at firft in the Covenant of Works I co to shall not fpeak of here; 'tis evident that by tvö me breaking the firft Covenant, he loft God, or God. that Bleflèd Covenant Relationhe stood in to him; but nowwe have a newTitle, God is ,ours again, and on better and more fire Ba- fis, viz. upon the account of Chrift's Media- tion and Satisfaaion-Iwill be your God, E ek. 36 comparedwith ;Tfer. 32. 38. Cap. 24.7. and 3o. 27. 3 I. 33. Nov that thefe Promifes refer to the Covenant of Grace, SeeHeb, 8. 8, 9, 1o. And findingfault with them, he faith, Behold the Days come, faith the Load, when I will make a New Covenant with theHoufe of Ifrael, and theHoufe of Judeth, ver. 8. Not according to the Cove nant that I made with their Fathers, in the Day when I took them by the Hand to lead them out of theLand ofEgypt : Becaufe they continued not in my Covenant, and I regarded them not, v. 9 For this is theCovenant, dre.-----.-I will put my Laws in their Mind, and write them intheir Hearts, and I will be to them a God, &c. This being (as I faid) the great and chiefeit Gift, and