Keach - Houston-Packer Collection BT155 .K4 1698

andGrant .' the Covenant, I th th whow om ..., t t . Originally and Pririarilÿ .;, "' a e of that Covenant made with Chrift, as our Head and Reprefentative, thus he became our God; I afcend to my Father, and toyour Father, to my God, and to your God. 2; By hi. own free Donation ; through that Atonement Chrift hath made, God gives him- felf to us to be our God, 3. Nay, bywhát ways Soever we become God's People, by the fame ways he becomes our God ; as I (hall have occafion to Thew you afterwards. Secondly, What cloth this import for God to be our God ? what it 1. Negatively, not meerly our God by doth im- Creation, for fo he is the God of the Fallen- port to Angels, and the God of all 7>nffodl Reprobates have God ' a y p to be our in the World, they are his Creatures, or God, were made by him. 2. It cloth not imply his being our God as he ways the Godof thewhole Houfe of Ifrael, which.was by vertue of a Legal, and Typical Cove- nant ; for tho in that Covenant he was their God, and an Husband to them, yet for all that for their Difobedience he call them off; and utterly rejeaed them, and now they are fo no more his People, that Covenant and'. Covenant Relation, being quite difblved and removedfor ever : Therefore itfollows, that was not the Covenant of Grace, into which all the Natural SeedofAbraham, as fuch, were taken 3