Keach - Houston-Packer Collection BT155 .K4 1698

e earn= ofpeace p cncI+ 227 lie Covenant of Grace can never be hé"ó it G'od limply by an eiternaî rofeffion, or by vertue of our own exteinaÌ Perfonal Covenanting with him, for many of thefe Godwill difowrì and be afhamed to be called their God ; Stis one thing to have the Ghrifian Name, and profefs the Chrifrian Religion, and another thing to have a faxing intereff in God ; Men may in this fenfe be in Chriff, and yet as withered Branches be cut doh, i off and call into the Fire. But in the Affirmative. I. God-is our God in this Covenant by way of fpecial intereff, it denotes our peculiar Relation to God. (i..) As a Father is related to his Children, whom he either, hath.begot- ten, or adopted, even fo God izí this Cove- nant is our God and Father. (2) Or, as a Euband is related, to that Woman whom he hath in his moff indeared Afle±ions Efpoufed; and Married to himfelf. (3.) Oras an Heir is related to an Efate, or an Inheritance which was purchafed for him, and made Pure to him for ever. (q...) Oras a Redeemer, hath an hate- tell in fuch Perfons whom he bath redeemed for himfelf, and bought and purchafed for his own Service, and to be for him and not for another. Thirdly, Ifhall endeavour to 'hex you what an amazing Blefng this Grant, or Gift in the Covenant of Peace ís, i. e. for God to be our Gods