Keach - Houston-Packer Collection BT155 .K4 1698

228 eb.eDtrptap of Ot.agoitO T ;acc : or, What it ù 1. It is a choice and precious I3leflìng for God. for God to to give himfeif to us according to that Grájt give him- toCPirift in the Covenant, becaufe it isa clear etf tows. Demonftration of his Special, Peculiar, and Eternal Love and Eleaion: No Man can fay he was beloved from everlafting, till he is ef- fe&ually called ; 'tis not a Man's havinggreat Riches, Honours, Pleafures, Sweet Relations, Wealth, Health, and Profperity ; no, but 'tis his having Saving Grace : To kifs the King's Hand is a great Favour, but it is a far greater Tokenof Special Love to be made his Queen, and Royal Confort, and to lie in his Bofme O ! what canbe a greater evidence of Divine Love and Goodnefs, than for God to give himfeifto us to be our God in the neareft Relation that a Creature is capable of, or can be brought into with his Glorious Creator, and BleflèdRedeemer ; For this God to be our Cod, our Portion, theLot of our Inheritance, our Shield, and our exceeding great Reward, who were once his Enemies andmeer Vafhals of Sin and Satan : What Tongue is able to exprefs this Love, or Heart to conceive how great it is ? II. It is an amazingPriviledge, Grant, and Blefïing, becaufe God cannot give agreater Gift than this is : MyBrethren, Is there any thing in Heaven, or Earth greater or better than God himfeif ? What hath God to bellow that excels himfeif ? God (as I may fpeak with Reverence) look'd round about on all things he had in Heaven and Earth, and faw nothing good enough to impart to his Elea and