-4,.41P Zbe Cobenant of Prate Openeti. 229 and Beloved ones ; and therefore gave him- félf to them, who comprehends and infinitely excels all Excellencies in both Worlds " Now is the Fountain ofthe great Depths broken up, and Mercy andDivine Goodnefs flows down like a mighty River : O ! what Thoughts ofLove and Bounty was in the Heart of God tó us, when he entered into this Covenant of Peace, with Jefus Chrilt for us ? What make a Deed of Gift of himfelf to us ? And on fuch a fare Fäundation too? Be amazed O ye Heavens ! One Smile of God'sFace, is better than all the World ; which made David fay, Whom have p i 3.25 I in Heaven but thee ? And there is none on Earth that I defire betides thee. III. Becaufe when God gives himfelf to a poor Sinner, he gives all he is, and all he has, fo far as it is communicable to Creatures Fear not Abraham, I am thy Shield, and thy Gen' 15I' exceedinggreat Reward. My'Brethren, all that Good that is contained in the communicable Attributes of God, are in this Covenant made over by a Deedof Gift to every Believer, as I briefly (hall 'hew you. I. Divine Goodnefs, this is let out to all true Divine Believers, the Goodnefs of God is given to Goodnefs them, not only laid up for them that fear hisgiven in Name, but alto it is imparted to them ; and this cove- this ofall the Attributes of God, feems to be Want the fweetefl, it is one of the choice perfe&i- on of his Nature, and that which renders God to be the ObjeE of our Love, Joy, and De- light : As he is a great and juít God, he is the Obje& of our Fear, and as he is a Faithful Q. 3 God,