Keach - Houston-Packer Collection BT155 .K4 1698

e jcOtfflap of Olo tou (acc + Or, God, he is the Obje& of our Truft, but as he is a Good God he is the Obje& of our Affe- M4 t. 29. &ions ; God is good ; There is none good but T 7. one., and that is God ; nothing that is good, truly good, but what is derived from God, the lofs of God only made Man miferable and the Damned being for ever deprived of God, is that which makes them eternally mite- rable ; And Sinners having intereft in God, in the Goodnefs of God, this only tends tomake them happy. Qleft. What a Good is God ? Goodnefs in God may be coiïfidered under a twofold Confideration. what a I. The Perfe&ion and Excellency of the Be- good God ingof God, .1 mean his Effential Goodnefs, this opened° cannot be imparted toCreatures. II. His Communicative Goodnefs, or that which God hath wrought out, laid up, and Ff31.19. which he lets forth to Believers ; O how great is thy Goodncfs which thou hash laid up for them that fear thee ? Which thou hail wrought for them that truib in thee before the Children of Men Ffa1.3 5.5 The Earth is full of the Goodnefs of the Lord : j Exod.33 will make all my Goodnefs pafs before thee, &c. 19. My Excellency, or my Glory. This is that which we call the declarative Goodnefs of God. 1. God is AbfolutelyGoodin the Perfe&ion of his Being, he is independently Good, there iS nothing wanting in him no defe&ion,' he fubfiteth in. and ofhirnfelf, he needeth not us, and there can be no addition made to his Goodnefs to make it more than it is. Gory,