Z je eobett ft ofpeace ' gene 2. God Us originally and e f fentialy Good, not God origin only good, but Goodnefs it felf ; Goodnefs in Wally good. Creatures is an acce,IFary Quality, or a Crea- ted, or Superadded Gift, but Goodnefs in God, is not a Qality, but 'tis his Effence ; he can as foon ceafe to be God, as ceafe to be Good ; as a Vefíel of pure Gold, the Matter is pure Gold, it felf gives luftre to it ; but Brafs gilt with Gold is another thing : So my Brethren, a Saint is one thing, and his Grace, his Righteoufnefs is another thing. The Fal- len Angels are God's Creatures íLifl, they re- tain their Beings, but their }blinds they re- tain not, that is gone : God is the Firs7- Good, the Original Good, and Effentialy Good. 3. God is infinitely Good, Goodnefs in Crea- God infi- tures is finall, and but little, but in God there nitelygood is an Ocean of Goodnefs ; it is banklefs, bound- lefs, bottomlefs, our Goodnefs is like a drop of Water out of the Ocean ; nay, there is a greater difproportion between that Good- nefs which is in God, and that which is in Saints, than there is between the Main Ocean and one fmall drop of Water, or between a Beam of Light let into a Room, and the Sun it felf. 4. God is Immutably and Vnchangably Good, God Int. as Goodnefs in God cannot be augmented, fo mutably it cannot be diminifhed, he cannot change orgood. loofe his Goodnefs, no not the leaf. degree thereof; I amGod I change not He is the Ma1.3.5. fame refierday, to, Day, andfor ever : Godmade hT:h. Man good and upright, but he long abode not fo ; all things in the firft Creation are fub- 231 C2. 4 jeet