be Difplap of ZIO IQUo ewe Or, them ; For the fountains ¡hall depart, and the ,dills be removed, but my Kindnefs ¡hall not de- part from thee, neither ¡hall the Covenant of my Peace be removed, &c. This brings me to the next Thing. What is III. Which is, that which is contained eontainèd in the Promife, viz. Peace, Peace is a Tweet in tkii Pro- Bleffing, Peace with Men is highly efteemed ; r,7ife. but this is Peace with God which is far bet- ter, and exceeds all kind of Peace whatfoever,, Yea, Peace by Vertue of a Covenant, a Cove- nant made by God himfelf, The Covenant of my Peace, faith the Lord. The Life or IV. We have the Spring-. or Rife of spring of this Promife, or the grand Motive that mo- t e Pro- mife. ved God to enter into this Covenant ofPeace or to make this Promife ; viz. His Love and Mercy, Saith the Lord, that loath Mercy on thee. This {hews, that the Covenant of Peace was founded for poor Creatures who Mife- ry, or in a deplorable Condition, Marl be- fore his fall needed not Gods Mercy, he was the Obje& of Gods Love and Favour, but not .of his Mercy : For Mercy extended to any Per- on, denotes he was in a forlorn and Mifera. Ne Conditionbefore ; and at that Time when Bowels of Pity and Compailion were moved towards him. V. We have here all() the Stability of the Promife, the Mountains that 'hand fo fait shall, or may fooner depart, and the Hills be, removed, than this Covenant of Peace can be broken or be removed ; nay, and he that faith this, is the Lord,, the faithful, and tribe God,