302 Q Dtfp1ap of Q310totto 45 acc: or, of the Fall, or out of their lapfed State fóre- feen by him ; but to fay he was actually re- conciled to them, perfonally confdered from * Thoyou Eternity *, or from the Death of Chrift, Teems have beard abfurd and improper : For how , could he be that 1 n faid to be Reconciled to this or that Perf6n, a F do`erol before that Perfán had any perfonal Exiften- zionf turn p Eterniy. ties, or Being ; or if they had a Being, yet wereEnemies tohim,and loathfomeWretches, and under his denounced Wrath, and Gurfex and in which State they remain before they are afually united toChrift, or are eweaual- ly called Yet take notice that that which a&uailyreconciles theHoly God tous is Chrif's Satisfathion alone, to which there can be no Addition made by any Collateral Work wrought in us, and done by us. We fhould therefore diftinguiih between a Fcederal, a Virtual, and a Reprfentative ?Union, and luftii.- cation, and an Atbual ?Union, and Perfinal fu-- f ifcation. For from-hence, perhaps, the Mi- Rake may arife : The Scripture every where declareth, that God is an Enemy, oran Ad- verfary to all Unconverted Perfons ; nay, and that he hates all the Workers of Iniquity, and Minifters declare and preach the fame thing, and the Holy Ghoft in Convi&ions reprefents the State of the Soul to be deplorable before See my effeanal Calling : There is it is evident a ReR4ecfi = lative Change, s along on the Soul by the Spi- benxixt rit, as well as a Real Change. tiro Ex- Confèilation. In the laft place (and to clofe yearns, with all I l'hall fay) What ground of Comfort and Confolatiouto. Believers is here? Y Your