Keach - Houston-Packer Collection BT155 .K4 1698

Vic Co cnatit ofprat OpencIi. z . Your Sins are fully and for ever expiated, Whenhe had by himfelfpurged our Sins,fate down u eb.i.3. on the Right Hand of the Majefly on high ; that is he hath removed the Guilt, Stain, and Pu- nifhment of Sin by his Satisfaction and Merits, lb as God may be Juf:l as well as Gracious in Pardoning and Juftifying of us that believe in Jefus. 2. All Accufations of Sin, the Law, Satan, and our ownConfciences, (hall be filenced and anfwered by the Interceflion of Chrifl : He Both and will out-plead them all. 3. All your Wants (hall be richly fupplied, all your Graces ftrengthened, and all your Enemies are and ¡hall be Overcome, Conquer- ed, and Vanquifhed for ever. 4. You are brought to God, and Reconci- led to him in his own way, in a fure way ; Comfort ye my People, faith your God. Speak ye comfortably to jerufalem, And cry unto her fa.4o.1,1- that her Warfare is accoinpliyhed, and her Iniqui- ty is pardoned ; for fix bath received of the Lord's Hands double for all her Sins. War is for ever ceafed betwixt God and you, and as God has received by Chrift double SatisfaUion (as it Were, For where Sin abounded, Grace bath much more abounded :) So you have and (hall receive hereby double at his Hands, viz, not only a Difcharge fromSin and Wrath in Hell, but alío Eternal LifeandGlory in Heaven. 5. All your Afi&ions (and whatfoever elfe) ¡hall work together for your good. 6. You ¡land firmer, and more fare in this Covenant, than Adam ftood in Paradise before he fell. r. Your 303