304 'bcDifplap of'`ito totuo ew + or, Yrozi4.18. z ..Your Peace is increafing, The Path ofthe :u,£h vs ais a Shining Light that Ain* more and more to the perfet1 Day : And not only your Perfonal Peace, or Peace of your Souls, but thePeace of all God's Ifrael alfo. O how great will that Peace be in the latter Days, when God delivers his People from all their external Enemies, and Troubles, and alfo unites them altogether to ferve himwith one confent. 2. You Shall have Peace not only while you Pja.37i37. live, but alfo when you die ; Mark thePerfea Man, behold the Vpright, the latter End of that 1.1-457-2. 1iran is Peace -He fhall enter into°Peace, th y ¡hall rest in their Beds, , &c. 3. You Shall be found inPeace at the Great Pet. 3. Day, when the Lord Jefus {hall appear ; Be 14. diligent, that ye may he foundof him in Peace, without fpot and blamelef :. That is, give dili- gence tomake it evident to your own Confci- ences, that you are in Chrift, or are fincere Chriftians, that fo the Peace of God may rule in your Hearts by the Holy GhoIt. ... Laftly, None can deprive you of this Peace and joy, or take it away from you ; ,T0,5.44. 27Peace I leave withyou, my Peace 'I give unto you, not as the Worldgivethgive I untoyou : Let not your Hearts be troubled, neither let it be afraid cb.16.22. -- -.Tour Hearts 'hall re:joyce; andyour Toy no Man takethfromyou. Therefore be of good chear, for tho you have many things that trouble you, and Satan may greatly difquiet your Minds,yet lift up your Heads and Hearts---My Bre- thren, I ihali conclude all with the words of the Apoftle; The God ofpeace fball brui/e Satan Underyour Feet Portly The Grace of our Lord Jefws Cbriji be with you. Amen. 1` I N I S.