ebe Oifpfapofe1Mouco 4,113occ * Or, 3. The Difmal Nature of this Breach fur- ther appears on Man's part, by confidering of that vile and abominable Enmity which is in the Hearts of all Mankind (who abide in that old Nature) against God as the effec`fs of that first' Sin, The carnal mind is enmity againft God, g' 7',for it is not fubjeCt unto the Law of God, neither indeed can be ; he Both not fay, it is anEnemy, but in the abifra&, it is Enmity; an Enemy (as one obferves) may be reconciled, but Enmity can never be reconciled : Man by this Sin came to be alienated in the higheft degree Eph. 4.18. from God, having the Vnderftanding darkned, being alienated from the life of God : And in another place, faith the fame Apoífle, Andyou co. 1. that were fometimes alienated andenemies inyour minds by wicked works, yet now bath he recoil- cued. the fear. 4. This ftill further appears, In that all Men fulßate of naturally refit God and his good Spirit, they Man by fight against God, Ye ftif necked and uncircum- Nature. cifed in heart and ears, ye do always refift the ,Rtis M' Holy Ghoft, as your Fathers did, fo do ye. Nay, they are calledhaters of God, The haters ofGod (faith David) fhould have fubmitted themfelves, lob.15.24. Ye have both 'bated me and my Father, faith our bleflèd Lord. 'What canrender Sin more evil, or Man more vile than to be called a Hater of God, they are haters of God and def ightfwl ; Their fo l faith the Lord, z i.s, Î ; , abhorred any, and my Soul loathed them. Moreover, They are Paid to be Contemners ofGod, they even dare God to his Face, and harden their Hearts against io.i3.13im, Wherefore loth the wicked contemn God