Keach - Houston-Packer Collection BT155 .K4 1698

tCije Difp!apofQiogotco efface + Or held forth in Ifa. 53. Io,I I, 12. Hefhall make his Soul an offering for Sin, this was that which Christ was obliged todo ; and then we have the Prornife of the Fathers tohim,( i.) Ofjustifying of many. (z.) Of feeing his Seed, He (hall fee his Seed. (3.) That the pleafure ofthe Lord fhail profper in his hand ; he íhall have them all united to himfelf, pördoned and faved for ever. Again Ifa. 42. 6. The Covenanting Parties are mentioned, the Father faith, I mill give thee (that is, thee my Son) for a Covenant to the People. Here's the Father's Defignation and fiat Sealing of our Lord Jefus Christ to the Mediatorial Office and Employment. Moreover, Our Lord Jefus readily complied with the Father's Purpofe and Will herein, yd. 5o.5,6The Lord God bath opened mine Ear, and I mcu not rebellious, Igave my Back to the Smiters, and my Cheeks to them that plucked off the Hair ; I hid not my Face from Jh,ame and fpitting. I gave confent thus to do, I readily yielded to my Father's Pleafureherein ; and in the Fulnefs of Time he actually thus fuffered to fulfil and anfwer the Terms of this Covenant. I will declare the Decree, (or as Dr. Ham- mond reads it) the Covenant : that is, I will puhlïíh or manifeft that which was agreed up- on betwixt God theFather and me This my Brethren, was long kept fecret, but it is now clearly revealed, Thefecrets ofthe Lord is with ß,f25, 14. them thatfear him, andhe will [hew them his Co- venant. TheHebrew WordDecree, the Learn- ed in that Language render Statute, Decree, 4rctment, Paci, Covenant ; the Word '171 that is