Zbe Colu.ettanx of Pratt, Op.encti. 29 is here ufed (faith a Learned Author) is in irk of the the Scripture fometimes promifcxoufly, or fyno- Pag. I 1. nimoufly ufed with the Word r 12 that is ufu- B , Rab. ally render'd Covenant ; Covenant is taken ei- Tatp. 8 8. Cher, properly or figuratively. Firft Properly, for a mutual Contrail, CompaEi or Agreement between two Parties, whichdiffers froma Law which is without Obligationon the Lawgiver ; and alto from a fingle Promife which is without Stipulation. Covenant may be thus taken (as one Notes) i. e. in a proper fenfe when appli- ed to the whole Covenant of Peace or Grace, between the Father and theSon, becaufethere was a mutual Stipulation. .2. Figuratively, For a bare Promife ; fo it The cove- was to Noah, Gen. 9.9. and fo the Covenant","1 "1"6 of Grace run to Abraham, vii.. being nomore mnh rs Beu - live than a free Promifeof God; and thus we are a,e, y a to take the Word Covenant when it refers to promsje, us in Chriff, for we receive no Covenant-Plef- not upon . fangs upon any mutual Stipulationbetwixt God mutual M- and us, upon orfrom the Merit of our Work, pulationa but all upon the account of Free Grace, and of,Chriff's Covenant withGod, and by vertue of that Fæderal Union we had then withhim ; for all things which we receive in Time, mays promifed to us in Chrift from Eternity ; therefore 2 Tì,'1.1.9* the Elea muff fæderally be confidered in Chrift TIt"' 1.2,3 from everlalting : The Covenant of Peace with Chriff, my Brethren, was not made lim- ply for himfelf, but for the Elea ; hemerited that we might pofl'efs : `Prue, all is to him of meer Defert and Merit; but to us in him, of meer Grace and Favour., So much as to the fi.f?-