Keach - Houston-Packer Collection BT155 .K4 1698

be Cobennnt ofPeace sir penal+ 2. Let us in the next place confider of fuch Scriptures that prove that Chrift did ebnfent unto thefe Propofals. To this effe&, fee Prov. 8.22. 2372+ The Lord po fre[red me in the begin- ning of his way, before his work of old. I was fet up from everlafting, from the beginning, before ever the Earth was. When there was no depths I was brought forth, when there was no Fountains a- bounding with Water, 3o, 31. Thenwas Iwith him as one brought up with him, and was daily his de- light, rejoicing always before him, rejoicing in the habitablepart of the Earth, and my Delights were with the Sons of Men. As this Text proves the Eternity of theSon of God, who is the fub- ftantial, eternal Wifdom ofGod ; fo alto it thews there was a voluntary and ready content in our Lord to undertake in the Work of our Peace andRedemption, that he was fet upand did agree to undertake, as our Mediator, to make our Peace with God ; and alfo, that he took pleafure in his fo engaging on our be- half ; Tothis, let me add what David in the Perf'on of Chrift fpeaks, Sacrifice and Offerings Pfa.40. 6 thou didit not &fire, mine ears haft thou opened; 7, g. Burnt Offerings and Sin Offerings haft thou not re- quired, then faid I, lo Icome to do thy Will OGod. This place is cited by the Apoffle, Wherefore when he cometh into the World he faith, Sacrifice 6, 7, 5$ and Offerings thou wouldft not, but a Body haft thou prepared me. In Burnt Offerings and Sa- crifices for fin thou haft had no pleafure. Then Paid I, lo Icome, in the Kolmn of the Book it is written ofme, to do thy Will, O God. Nothing can more fully Phew Chrift's chearful Content ; What 31