38 ebe DtfPlap of 41510Ott c ce: Or, In the next place we will enquire what is ab- folutelyneceffary for the Mediator ofour Peace to do, or were Requifites in him, according to the Articlesagreed on in this Covenant, to make our Peace with God. the Iequï7 1. A Mediatour of this Covenant of Peace, fites írí muff underftand theNature of that difference, chrift as a or breach which was betwixt God and Man ; Mediator. andwhat Terms theHoly God, who is the In- jured Party) ftands upon; andmuff have grant- ed him if ever our Peace be made ; and who but Jefus Chrift, who is God, knew this ? It was he only that well knewwhat it was that . could fatisfie Infinite Juflice : Had it been pro- pofed either toMen or Angels to refolve this Q °ílion, i. e. By what Means (hall fallen Man come to be reconciled to God, and God be righted ais touching all that wrong Sin and Sinners have done him ? What Anfwer thinkyou could they have made? Alas ! no meer created Beingcould refolve filch a Queflicn. 2. He that is the Mediatour of this Co- venant, or that maketh our. Peace, mull not onlyknowwhat will do it, but alfo he mnft be able to anfwer all God's Demands, both in re- fpe&of his Law and Jul-lice ; and alfo be able . to f°upply all our Wants and Neceflities : He muff feek the Honour of the Bleflëd God, and equally feek and be able to relieve poor Sinners ; and none but Jefus Chrift could do this, who is an indifferent Perfon, or one equally relateduntoboth, he being both God and Man in one Perfono