Keach - Houston-Packer Collection BT155 .K4 1698

` e Dtfpiap ofOro/totuo Glace t Or, rendring it as an empty and carnal thing, and think to obtain Peace by another Chrift ; a Chrift within, even by the Law or Light in their Hearts : Others by a newLaw, or by their Faithand Sincere Obedience. Moreover, fome value the League they have made with Sin, Hell, and Death, and will not nullifie that, but eiheemthat Covenant before andabove this Covenant of Peace, made between the Father and Son, and confirmed by Chrift's Blood. But I can proceednofurther at this time. SERMON III. Further opening the Work of Chrift as Mediator : Together with the Exercife of his Offices, as King, Prieft, Prophet, Surety, Teflator, ISA. Liv.x. Neither fhall the Covenant of my Peace be removed, faith the Lord that hath mercy on thee. THE Do&rine I have railed from there Words, is this, viz. Doao