Keach - Houston-Packer Collection BT155 .K4 1698

tbe Colaenant oMeace Openeti. 2. We alfo infer from hence, that God's Love to us in Chrift is anamazing andwonder- ful Love, our Peace (hall be made, tho it colt God the Blood of his own dear and beloved Son; God fo loved the World, How was that ? Job. 3. 16. Who can conceiveof thegreatnefsof it ? Even fo as he gave his only begotten Son to die for us, even forhis Enemies : God commended his Love &óm.5.8,9 towards us in that, while we wereyet Sinners Chrift died for us ; for when we were Enemies we were reconciled to God by the Death of his Son : Not that God was only reconcileabie, but by that Sacrifice God was reconciled ; our Faith doth not reconcile God to us, but we thereby receive theAtonement, or the Blearing of Peace and Reconciliation. 3. We infer likewife from hence, that the Love of Jefus thrift was wonderful, and his Condefcention exceeding great : What, did God take our Nature into Union withhimfelf? What, is the Lord of Heavenand Earth Born of a Woman ? The Ancient of Days became a Childof a Day old ? He that was in the Form ofPbil.2.6,7. God, found in the Form of a Servant; Shall God purchafe his Church with his own Blood ? This Att. 20. is amazing to think upon. 27, 23. 4. We infer from hence alfo, how wonder- - fully God hath hereby exalted and magnified Man : Chrift is a Man, truly Man, tho God as well as Man ; he that is God, is a Man :For- Heb.2, i4f afmuch as the Children are made Partakers of Flefb and Blood, he alfo himfeLf took part of the fame ; and by thismeanswe are nearly related to God, he is our Kiufman, the neareít of Kin lead