Keach - Houston-Packer Collection BT155 .K4 1698

64 Ebe Dífpíapof Vogocto owe ; Or, had under the Law the Right of Redemption, to raife up Seed to the Dead : Chrift is our Deut.25. Kinfman, our Brother, and by this means the 5, 6. Inheritance (even God) andall he hath) is fet-. led on the whole Heavenly Family, or on all his Seed, or Elul : What can exalt Man more thanthis ? Owhat greater Honourcouldbe con- ferred onourNature then,for the SonofGod to allbme it intoPerfonal Union with theGodhead! (i .) Hereby we are made near to God, e- ven nearer than the Holy. Angels ; Verily he took not on him the Nature of Angels, but the Seed of Abraham. Angel's are not the Spoufe of Chrift ; they are not Bone ofhis Bone, andFlefh of hisFlefh, but Chrift is flesh of our Flesh and Bone of our Bone ; and hereby alfowe havea nearer Union with God than Adam had in In- nocency ; nay, as I Paid, nearer than the Angels have; for Believers are Chrift's Mystical Body, Chrift is the Head of the Church ; For both he that Santlifieth, and they who are Sanciifted, are all of . ieb. 2.11. one ; for which Caufe be is not afhamed to call therm Brethren. (2.) Our Nature hereby (as one obferves) isthe Store-houfe or Treafury of all that good which God intends to di fpenfe to Men and Angels. Moreover, Angels and Men Worihip God in our Nature, that is, Jefus Chrift, God- man : And how aftouThing is this ? (3) Moreover, God in our Nature 'hall be the Judge of Men and Angels ; the Man Chrift is God's Equal, God's Fellow. And, Zech. F 3.7. (q..) What Dignity and Honour is it then to be efpoufed to filcha Prince ? (5.) This