72 VieDÍCplap OtOoItoOgi Q or His Work as a Prophet. r. Is to reveal the Will, Furpofe, Counf1, and Dejign of God unto his Chofn ; and this he did in the Days of his Flefh in his own, and in his Apoftles Miniftration revealing, That My- }W tery that was hid fromAges and Generations He was indeed a. Teacher that carne from 5o!.3.2. God, as Pfehodemits faith, My Doelrine (faith he) is not mine, but the Father's that feat me ; 50. a 2.49 For Ihave not fpoken of my felf, but the Father which fent me gave me Commandment what I _Mould fay, and what I Ahould fpeak; denoting that hereceived his Million, his Do&rine, and his Authority toPreach from the Father as he is Mediator. As a Prophet he gives the knowledge of Salvation to his People, for without his Divine Revelation, Mankind could not arrive to the knowledge of it ; for the Light that is inMan naturally reveals nothing of the Myftery of Redemption, of the Covenant of Peace, and Mediationor jails Chrift. 2. Nor can any ,favingly know this, but as Chrill reveals it by his Spirit, as the great . 1att. 1i Prophet andTeacher of the Church; No Man knoweth the Son but the Father, neitherknoweth any Man the Father but theSon, and he to whomfoever the Son will reveal him. No Man knoweth the. Elfence of the rather, or path a pe fe `t know- ledge of the Godhead ; nor do they know the Councils, Purpofes; and Difpenfations of the Father of his laving of Men by jefus Chrift, except J efus Chrift reveals thefe Myfteries to he ; 11I true .nd faving 1Yno ,ledge of God, iS