Keach - Houston-Packer Collection BT155 .K4 1698

74 EbeDÍfiliapOf `,r ÍogottO eptE : Or Eph..4. 1 8. z . Of his Prieflly O?ce, it was abfolutely necefrary that he fhould be a Prieft, and that inour Nature, becaufe he was to anfwer the Types under the Law, the Priefts of the Law that were ceremonially Sanctified, andwere to San&ifie others, were of the fame Nature with the People. And fence they offered Sacrifices up to God, it allo behovedhim to offerup the Antitypical, Real, andWrath-appealing Sacrifice And 2.Forafmuch that we were Slaves andCaptives of Sin, and Satan, being in Chains and Fetters by fuch Enemies that none could redeem us out of theirHands, but one cloathed withAlmigh- ty and Infinite Power. It behoved Jefus Chrift to be a King, who is invefted with God-likePower and Authori- ty, upon this Account. And fince it was the Father's good Plea- fure to exalt and magnifie himwith the foie Government of theWorld, and of the Church, it was necefàry he Ihould be Conflituted, and Invefted with Kingly Authority like wife. 3. And lince we were ignorant of God, and under deep alienation from God, Having the Vnderfanding darkened, being alienated from the Life of God, through the ignorance in them, be.: caufe of the blindnefs oftheir Hearts It beho- ved jefus Chi-HI to be a Prophet ; yea, fuch a Prophet that cannot only teach the Knowing, end Underítanding Heart, but can give Know- ledge to the Heart which is without Under- ftanding ; and feeing, we wereblind and igno- rant