AN A N T H R 0 P 0 P A T H Y. Book I, E)•es, fo that h•re is a third 'I'rapt. Gen. iv. 4· And the Lord bad Refpefl unto A bel and to his Offering, and Verfe 5· ~ut unto Cain, m;d his Offering he had not Refpefl, that is, he accepted and approved of rhe one bur nor of rhe orher. See Numb. xvi. '5· 1 Sam. i. 1 r. Pfal. ix. 13, r4. x. Ij, 14. lxxxiv. g, 10. cii. 17, dL lxxiv. 19 , 20. and cxiii. 6. !fa. lxvi. 2. Lam. iv. r6. and v. 1. Jan. iii. 10. Luke i. 25, 48, &c. Deut. xxvi. 15. Pfal.lxxx. 14, 15. and ci'i. 20. Lam. iii. so. &c. Hitherto the Phrafe of God's Seeing or Refpefling, denotes his Favor and Love, which is fome<imes direcred to the Objecr, as when he is faid to have Refpefl to the JVIan or his Offering, fometimes ro an internal Caufe, as when he is faid to have Refpeflto his Covenant, that is, the Declaration of his Mercy and Grace that way exprdfcd to Man, Pfal. lxxiv. 19, 20. Likewife when he is faid to look upon tbe Face of his Anointed (that is, Chrift) who is our Mediator and Savior, tor whofe Sake David prays for a Bleffing, calling him the Servant of the Lord, 2 Chron. xvii. '9· And the Word ofthe Lord, 2 Sam. vii. 21. See 1 Chron. xvii. 17. 2. It denotes Evil, as Wrath, Vengeance and Punithment, as Exod. xiv. 24. And it came to pafs that;,. the Morni11g Watch, the Lord looked unto the H'!fl of the Egyptians, through the Pillar of Fire, and of the Cloud, a11d troubled them, &c. 1 Cbron. xii. 17. Pfal.civ. 31, 32. Jer. iii. 8. Lam. iii. 36. Ezek, xvi. so, &c. HEARING is attributed to God, in which likewife his Grace and Benevolence in fatisfying the Defires of his People, and in a ready hearing their Prayers and Sighs is denoted, as Gm. xvi . 11 .- 'I'he Lord bath heard thy Ajjliction. Exod. ii. 24. And God beard their Groailiug. 2 Ki~tgs xx. 5· I h.?Ve heard thy Prayer, &c. Su Pfal. iv. 3, 4· v. r, 2, 3, 4· and cxxx. I , 2. Ifa.lxv. 24. 1 Jobn v. 14, &c. Thus God is faid to hear tbe Heavms, Hof ii. 21. When he gives the Bleffings (as Paul memions, /Jflsxiv. 17.) of Rain from Heaven, and fruitful Seafons are gramed, which Heaven as it were lilently delires and begs God for. The Scripture ufes the Term of God's Attention, hearkming as it were to the Prayers and Defircs of the Godly, by way of Illu!hation of the Greamefs of his Compaffion, Pfal. x. 16, '7· lxvi. 18, '9· and s:xxx. 1, 2, &c. On the Contrary, God is faic\ ro jhut Prayers, Lam. iii. 8. A11d to cover himfelf with a Clot~d that Prayers could not pafs through, Verfe 44· when he rejecrs the Petitions of any. See Ija. i. IS. and lix. 2, &c. SMELLING is attributed to God, by which in like Manner his Complacency and Grace is noted, as a Man is refrc!hed and pleafed with a fweet Smell, as Gen. viii. zr. A11d the Lord/me/led a Sa·vor of Reft, fo the Hebrew. The Chaldee fays, And rhe Lord received their Sacrifice very pleaflngly. Upon which Place Lttther·• fays thus-As Phyficians fometimes recover faiming or fwooning Perfons, by the Fragrancy of Odors, and on the Contrary as a horrible Stench does vehemently offend Nature, and fometimes makes Men faint, fo God may be faid to be offended with the ill Savor of Impiety, and to be delighted, and as it were refre!hed, whe" he fees Noah prepare himfelf 10 Sacrifice, as a Specimen of his Gratitude, and by a public Example manifeft himfelf not to be wicked, but a true and cordial vVorthipper and Reverencer of God, which was the proper End of SJcriiices. Mufeulus in his Comment upon the Place fays very excellently, thatMofes by an fdn– thropopathy afcribes the Faculty of Smelling ro God, and writes not of the Sacrifice of Noah, for it is nor f.,id rhat the Lord fmelled the Odor of the Burnt-offering, but a fweet Savor; for God fmells nor·by the Organ of Noftrils as Man does, for it was not the Smell of the Sacrifice of Beafts that yielded that Fragrancy, fuch being in themfelves rather naufeous than fweet. Hence we learn that our Works of what kind foever thev be, have a certain Smell which afcends to the No!hils of God, and is either approved by him as fweet and pleafing, or difapproved as noifome and unfavory. This Odor is, not what our ex~ernal 'Narks reprefent to Senfe, but what refults from the Spiritual– ity of our Hearts; for good AC1s proceeding from a good and pious Intention fmell fweerly, but bad ones the Contrary. In the Sacrifice of Noab, there was a corporal and external Savor, which was obvious to the Notice of Men, but the Piety of his • In Aurto Cti11111Untario, l>Dc locfJjicut mtdici nonnunquam cxanimt.t/un<t~itate odt,rum rtvocant, &c. t PerAnthropopathiam Mofi.s Deo tribuit odorandiJacultatnu& defacrijicio Not Jw?firibit, &c. Heart