T H E C E L E S T I A L P A R A D I S E. Book IV. by the Authority thereof. Jefus Chrifl: is appointed to be the Judge of Q!lick and Dead, by the Father, King of Heaven and Earth. 'J'be Fatber judgetb no Man but bath committedall Power to tbe Son, John v. 22. ' ll. The Judge likely comes to the Bench or Judgment-feat with the Sound of Trum. pets: Chritt will come to the Judgment-feat with the Sound of a Trumpet; The 'J'mmpet jhall found, and the Dead jhalt be raifedincorruptible, I Cor. xv. 52. Ill. There is a known Law or Laws in a Kingdom, by which the Judo-e heareth and determines all Caufes: So there is a known Law or Laws, by which J~fus Chrifl: will judge and determine all Caufes in the great Day, viz. the Law ofMofes, the Law of Nature, and the Law of Chrifl:, called the Book of the Gofpel; Tbe Bo•ks jha!l be opmed, Rev. xx. IV. The Judge hath many honorab'le Perfons that fit oo the Bench with him: So Jefus Chrifl: will have all the Saints ot with him on the Throne of Judgment, who lhall a:lli:nt and confent to whatfc>ever he fhall do in that Day. Hence it is faid, the Saints 01all judge the World. He that overcometh will I grant to fit with me on my 'J'brone; evw as I alfo overcame and am fat down with my Father in his Throne, Rev. iii. V. A Judge _at Affize:, after he bath read his Commiflion and given his Charge, calls for the Pnfoners: So J efus Chrdl: will orderly proceed, and call before him all Nations, all the Ungodly that ever live<) on the Earth, fhall be arraigned by him, being brought before his J udgment-frar. VI. A Judge having arraigned the Prifoner, calls in the Witneffes, and then fulfers every Man ro fpeak what he hath to fay for himfelf: So Jefus Chrift will call in Wit– neffes, and indeed every Man's Confcience lhould be more than ten thoufand Wit– neffes againfr him ; and all Mouths fhall be ftopt, and e'very ungodly Man lhall be found guilty before Chrifr, Rom. ii. I 4, I 5, 1 6. VII. A Judge, after he bath found Men guilty, and caft them for their Lives, paffetu the Sentence: So Jefus Chrifl: at the !aft Day, having found Sinners guilty of all the horrid Crimes they lhall be charged with, will pafs the fearful Senrcnce, Go, ye curjed, Matt. xxv. VIII. A Judge; after the Sentence is pall:, orders the manner, time, and place of Execution : So Jefus Chrifl: will at the lafr Day, after the Sentence of Condemnation, order the Execution of the Wicked, and appoint them the Place where, and the Tirne how long they fhall fulfer; the.Place will be He!\, the Time will be for ever and ever. See Chrifl the Judge of .d/1. THE C E L E S T I A L P A R A D I S E. f'erily I Jay unto thee, This Day thou jhtdt be with me in Paradife, Luke xxiii. +3· He was taken up into Paradife, 2-Cm·. xii. 2. To him that overcometb, will} give to eat of the Tree of'Life, which is in th; midfl of the Paradife of God, &c. Rev. ii. 7· PARADISE is taken in the holy Scripture in a two.fold Senfe. ,. For the Garden of Eden; this is earthly Paradife. 2. For Heaven, the Seat or Place of Glory; this is celeftial Paradife. Now the earthly Paradife being a Figure of Heaven, 1 fhall in the opening of this run the Parallel principally with refpect to the Garden of Eden, and the State of.ddam in lnnocency, & c. - P A R A L L E L S. I. pARADJSE, or the Garden of Eden, was a .Place of Pleafure : So Heaven is a Place of.Pleafure. ,IJ. Paradife was a Place created of.God, and appointed for Man, whilll: he ftood in -the Sca~e of Innocency.: So Heaven is created of God, and appointed for all thofe who obtain, through Chrilt, perfdt Righreoufnefs, their primitive Glory and Innocency. l!I. .ddam in.Paradife, had all.Ddight, Joy and Pleafure his Heart could deiire, he wanted nothing to make his.Life fweet and pleafant to him: 'So the Saints in Heaven, have the fullefr Joy, Pleafure, .and Satisfaction imaginable; there is nothing wanting ..c:hey .can .de.fire to pleafe and ddi_ght them• . 'I_b.ou wilt jhewme .Jhe.Pat.h of.Life; in thy · ,Prejence