954 H E L L U T T E R D A R K N E S S. Book IV. D S P A R I T Y. I. A Fiery Furnace though terrible and painful, yet it puts an end to the Lives of thofe that are thrown into it, and the hotter it is, the fooner it difpatcheth rhem out of their Pain: But the Torments of Hell put no End to rhe Tortured, neither . .can the Damned die, but have an ever-dying L1fe, and an everlafring Death; it is a Death which haeh no Death, 'I' he Worm dieth not. ll. The Torment of a Fiery Furnace can reach but the outward Man, it cannot de– firoy the Soul: But the Torments of Hell reach to the very Soul, called the Perdition .or DdhuEtion of ungodly Men, both of Soul and Body. lll. The hottdl: Furnace in tbe World may abate irs Heat for Vi'ant of Fuel, and at length be wholly ex1inguifhed ; however its Terrors and Pains are but fhorr and mo– mentary: Bm the tormenting Fire of Hell never abates its heat, nor ever goeth our, therefore called everlafling Ftre; now to add Ece~nity to Extremity, and then you w1il perceive He)! to be Hell mdeed. IV. Other Fire may be quenched: But the Fir.e of God's Wrath, or Hell Fire, .!hall never be quenched, ut fupra. N F E R E N C E. THAT as there is no greater Caufeof magnifying Chrifr, than for Redemption-mercy, and fo of Joy unlpeakable, and full of Glory : So there is no greater Caute of Sorrow, and intolerable Mifery, than to live and die in Sin, and fo to be call: both Body and Soul into H ell Fire. 0! wh•t an Alarm may thofe two Scriptures among many found in the Ears of wicked and ungodly Men, Be not deceived, neither Fornicators, 11or Idolaters, nor Adulterers, not Effeminate, nor ./lbufers of tbemfelves with Mankind, nor 'Tbieves, nor Covetous, 11or Drunkards, nor Railers, nor Extortioners, jhall inherit the Kingdom of God, I Cor. vi. 9• 10. But whither then mufl: they go? See Rev. xxi. 8But the Fearful, and Unbelieving, and the Abominable, and l'vfurdcrers, and Whoremongers, and Sorcerers, and Idolaters, and all Liars, jha!ll!ave their Part in the Lake which brmi– ,eth with Fire and Brimjloue, ':J)hich is the jecond Death. HELL UTTER DARKNESS. -Shall be cafl into u/ter Darknefs, Matt. viii. 12. -'l'o whom is referved the Blacknefs of Darknefs for ever, Jude '3· AS the Torment and Mifery of the Ungodly is fer forth b~ a Furnace of. Fire; fo it is alfo by Darkncis, utter Darknefs, and Blacknefs of Darknefs, as the Word :kof@r figmfieth., · P A R A L L E L ~ !. QOD fometimes bath brought Darknefs, upon a People, as a great Judgment, for Sin and Rebellion againfl him: So Gud in jult Judgment will call: the '\Nicked into Darknefs, into a burning Furnace of Fire, but fuch Fire as !hall give no Li.,.ht, therefore called utter Darknds. fr. Where there is Darknefs, either by vVant of Light, or Want of Sight to fee the Li.,.ht, there cannot be any comfortable Enjoyment of any vifible Object, that might afford ~hem Satisfaction and Content, as it cloth thofe that enjoy the Light: Su to be cart into Darkne(s, nay utter Darknefs, not only fuch Darknefs that is a Deprivation of Light, or occafioned by \¥ant of Sight, but a Darknefs of Terror and Torment, re– lerved for wicked and ungodly Men, called the Blacknefs of Darknef" For as the Glory of Heaven !hall abound beyond all comparifon with glorious Light, called the lnheritance of the Saints in Light, Col. i. fo the Horrors .and Terrors of Hell will .confifl in that abounding Darknels, beyond all comparifon. Ill. As to be !hut up in fpiriwal Darknefs, is a Separation from God, as to his Pre– fence in a Way of Grace.: So to be !hut up in the Thicknefs and Blacknefs of the Darknefs of Hell, is an eternal Separation from God, and the Enjoyment of him for ever: When once he !hall fay, Depart from me, there is a Separation from all Joy and Happinefs; ye curfed, there is a black and direful Excommunication; into Fire, there ss the Extremity of Parn; everla}ing, there JS the Perpewtty of the Puni!hmenr; prel pareJ