Keach - Houston-Packer Collection BS537 .K4 1779

Book IV. H E L L U T T E R D A R K N E S S. 95S pared for the Devil and his Angels, there are the infernal tormenting, and tormented Company. And to increafe the Horror and Amazement of the Damned, this Fire fi1all only torment them, not give them anv Light, but they !hall be call out into utter Dark– nels, where !hall be weeping and gnafhing of Teeth. D S P A R I T Y. :I. 'VHEN God brings Darknefs upon a Land, as he did upon Eg)'fl, as an Judgment it hath bec:n but for a while, a.certain Time, and after there hath been Light again; but rhofe that fiull be caft out into the Darknefs oi the Pit of Hell, !hall never fee Light more, neirhu fpiricual, natural, nor arrificial. As there v. ill be no need of the Sun nor Stars in Heaven: So the Damned !hall nor have any llcnefit thereby, whatevt:r theirNeecJs and Neceffiries are. " !I. Men may be in Darknefs fpiritually, and they may be enlightened and faved through Grace, but to be caft out into the dark and difmal Gulf of Hell, it totally and cverlallingly deprives of any Ufe of Means, for enlightening any more for ever, Gofpel Light fhincs not at all in that dark and difmal Region, becaufe they hated the Light thereof in this World, they muft now be call into utter Darknefs in the World to come. Ill. Men may be in Darknefs, and yet enjoy nnny other Comforts, though they be deprived of Light: But the Damned in Hdl are not oo1ly in black and thick Dark– nefs, but are alfo deprived of any other Comfort. As they fee nothing but Darknefs, fo they hear nothing but difmal•Screeches, and amazing dreadful Cries, and gnafhing of Teeth. IV. Men may be naturally blind, or fhut up in a dark Dungeon, and yet may have much of the Prefence of God with them: But the Damned that are in the Blacknels of Darknefs, that is, the Darknefs of Hell, il1all utterly be deprived of the comfort- . able Prelence of God ; as they fa id to God, depart from us: So are they feparated with a Depart ye from me, ye curfed, .into e·v~rlafling Fire, or, into the Blacknejs of Darknefs for ever. N F E R E N C E ~ I. HOW might this awaken Sinners, anti be a Means to turn them fromfpiritual Darknefs to Light; and from Satan, the Prince of Darknefs, to God: Oh! that thefe cloong, dircful and amazing Lines, might turn many to Righteoufnels, to believe, re– pent, and obey the Golpel, before the Lord J efus come in earning Fire, rendering Vengeance upon all that know not God, nor obey the Gofpel. I!. How jufi' will the Condemnation of fuch rebellious Sinners be, who will neither• be drawn by the Tenders of Mercy and Salvation to Jefus Chrifl, and of an Enjoyment of Heaven through him, nor be deterred from their finful Cour!e, by all the threatened · Judgments, nay, though it extend to Hell itfelf, to the Fire of Hell, to the Blacknefs of Darknefs for ever,! Oh ! were there not Eternity written tlpon the Gate of the Broad-way that leads to DeftruC\ibn, the Damned might have fame Hope, though ;t were nor tifl hundreds of thot1fands of millions of Years were expired: But, 0 Sinners! when once this dark difmal Dungeon hath il1ut its Mouth upon you, and you come "irh the Devil and his Angels to lie therein, you can never come out more, never fee Light more, never have Eafe frorri intolerable Torment more ; no Father, Hulband, Wife, &c. can come to light fo much as a Candle, or dip the Tip of a Finger in Water .to cool your Tongue. Ill. Let the Redeemed of the Lord rejoice and magnify the God of their Salv~tion, ·who hath given them good Hope through Grace, that they are delivered from Wrath •to come, by being called out of fpiritual Darknefs into Chrifl's marvellous Light, and lby him have efcaped that dreadful Doom, of being call: into lltter Darknefs. MOSES's