Keach - Houston-Packer Collection BS537 .K4 1779

Book IV. 'OR, T Y P E S E X P L A I N E D. 957 V..All that were not received into the Ark, perifhed. So all who get not fpiritually by Faith rnto Jefus Chnft, or are not true Members of the vifible or mvifible Church, 1hall be damned and ·perifh eternally. VI. Noah's Ark was t.offed upon the rough Waves, ar;d yet was preferved: Sothe Church of Chrift is toffed upon ·the rough Waves of a tempeftuous Wo~ld, and yet prefervecl. VII. Noah was the great Repairer of the World: From him defcended all the In– habitants of the Earth: Chrift is the great and glorious Repairer of the \'Vorld, and from .him proceed all the Inhabitants of Heaven. VIII. Noah fent a Dove out of the Ark, to fee wherher or no the Waters were abated, who returned with an Olive.branch in her Mr.uth: So Chrifl fends forth the ·Spirit, called a Dove, or, in the L ikenefs of a Dove, who brings Tidings to believing Souls, that the Wrath of Ged IS appeafcd, &c. MELCHISEDEC A TYPE oF CHRIST. Made like Ill! to tbe Son of God, &c. Heb. vii. 3· P A R A L L E L ~ J. THE Notation of his Name Melchifedec, fignifieth Killg of Righteoufnefs: Chri!l: Jefus is the only King of Righteoulnefs. II. In his Office he was a Type of Chrill:; (.1.) lie was King of Sa/em-Kin" of .Peace: So Chrift was called the Prince of Peace, not only a peaceable Prince, but Prince of Peace, one that commands Peace at his Ple.rfure in the World, in the Church, .and in the Souls of Men, Ifa. ix. 6. (2.) Chrift is not only Prince of the World, but .peculiarly Prince of Sa!em, Prince of Jerufa!em, viz. the true Church of God. (3.) Me/• .chiftdec was not only a King, but alfo a Prince, yea a Prieft of the Moft High God: So Chrift is both King and Prieft. Ill. Melchiftdec was a Type of Chrift in his Original; Without Father, without .Jvfother, without Dejcent, having neither Beginning of Days, nor End of Lif<, Heb. vii. 3, ·that is, there is no mention of rhefe Things concerning him in rhe holy Scripture; we have not his Genealogy, or Story of his Life; though none doubt, but he had both Father and Mother, and Defcent, &c. but God on purpofe would have all thefe con– cealed, that he might be a more exprefs Type of Chrift, who was truly without Fa– .ther, in refpeCI: of his Manhood, or human Nature; and without Mother, in refpeCI: of his Godhead: And who can declare his Generation? &c. Ifa. liii. · I V. Melchifedec blelfed Abraham, and doubtlefs the Jeifer is bleffed of the greater; he •was a molt eminent and renowned Perfon. Some do conclude he was the Patriarch .Shem, who was without Beginning of Days, in refpdt of the vVorld afrer the Flood, and without End of Days in refpeCI: of the \'Vorld before the J;lood; but finre God .hath concealed who he was, let us be firtisfieJ. But in this, doubtlefs, he was a Type .of Chrift, who is greater than all that went before him, great in Pr>wer, Office, and Sovereignty, and is fent to blefs his People;' it is he alone that blefleth a!I the true Seed, and Heirs of Promife. V. Me!chifedec was a Prieft, not after the Order of Aaron; he was not anointed with ·material Oil, nor received his Priefthood from any other, but only fo declared by the Mouth of God. His Priefthood palfed not to other Men; for as he received it from none, fo he palTed it not to any other; nor did ony, as we read of, fucceed him : So Chrift r•ceived his P•iefthood from none but God himfelt, and was not anointed with material Oil, but with the Oil of Gladnefs only: And as he received his l'riefthood from none, fo he paffnh it not to any other; he hath none that can fucceed him, but abideth aPriell: for ever in his own Perfon in Heaven, A B R A H A M A T Y PE, OF CH R IS T. P A R A L L E L S. 'l. ABRAM, and Abraham, fignify an lrigh Father, and a Father of a Multitude: So is Chrill an hrgh, and heavenly Father, caiJ,d the everlaftmg Father, Fa– ther of .aU the Faithful, &c. IlL II. To