Keach - Houston-Packer Collection BS537 .K4 1779

M 0 S E S's V A I L RE M 0 V E D; Book IV. H. To Abraham, and to his Seed was the Promife made: So to Chrift, and to his true Seed, is the Promife made. IlL Abraham was King, Prieft, and Prophet in his own Family, Hcb. ix. , 3· So;,. Jefus Chri(t in his Church. IV. Abraham put Hagar and Ijhmacl out of his Houfe: So Jefus Chrift caft out the legal Covenant, and flellily Seed, out of his Church; Hagar being a Figure of the one, and Ijhmacl of the other, Gal. iv. V. Abraham is called the Heir of the World; J efus Chr;!l: is fo moll: properly and truly, Rom. iv. 13. I s A A c A T y p E OF c H R I s T. P A R A L L E L ~ I. JS AAC was the Son of Abrabam, the Father of the Faithful, a promifed Seed long before he was born ; and fo firange was his Birth, that though he was born by the Strength of Nature, yet of Sarah's dead 'vVomb, when it ceafed to be with her as with other child-bearing Women; infomuch that when the Angd foretold it to her, !he thought it impof!ible, Gen. xviii. 12. So Jefus Chrifl: is often called the Son of .Abraham, yet the only begotten Son of God by Nature, who is the Father of all that are taught, and can fay in Truth, Our Father, &c. the only true promited Seed, who was long prophefied of, and expeeled by all Believers; born and incarnate by the ftrange and wonderful Power of the Holy Ghofi, in the Womb of the bleifed Virgin, yea, in fuch a miraculous Manner, that when .it was foretold her by the Angel, ihe thought it impoffible, Luke i. 34· Il. Ifaac was mocked, and bafely abufed by ljhmacl, the flefhly Seed: So was Jefus Chrifr by the Jews, who were the Children of , the Bond-woman. IlL Ifaacwas led as aLamb to theSlaughrer: So w.,JefusChri\1. Though in this ther~ was a greatDifparity ; the one was fpare.d, namely, Ifaac; but J efus Chrifl: was facrificed. IV. lfaac was offered, as it were, and three Days dead in his F;uher's Min<l and Purpofe, yet died not; bm his Father received him as from the Dead: So Jefus Chrift offered, but in rrfpett of his Divinity, died not; and though his Humanity lay dead three Days in the Heart of the Earth, yet it rev.ved again; lo both were, faith Dr. 'l'aylor, delivered from Death the third Day; wherem the ~ po!lle plainly makes him a Type, Heb. ix. 16. From whence he .recei':Jed him, as in a Figure, 'l'ypc, or Re[embla11ce, &c. V. lfaac, as the Learned obferve, wos a Type of Chrilt in hi> Marriage. ( 1.) He marri.~d one of his own Kindred: So the Spoule ot Chrifl: is ot the fame Flefh which he himfelf aifumed. (2.) She was wooed by·his Father's Snva nt : So is the Spouteof ·Chrilt by his faithful Minillers. (3·1 Rebcka'b refolvecl to forlake e.l l her Friends, and, her Father's Houfe, to become lfaac's Wife: So llelievers forfake all in AffrClion, and aClually, when called thereunto, ror the Sake of Jefus Chnfi. (4.) She was decked with Jewels, trimmed, and rarely adorned, when fhe came to meet Ifaac : So the Spoufe, the Lamb's Wife, 01all be richly decked and gloriouUy adorned, ro meet Jefus Chrifl:, when he comes in the Glocy of rhe Father, to receive her to himfelf; Re-v. xix. 7· (5.) She came to meet lfaac: So !hall the Saints meet Jefus Chrift in the Air at thela!l:Day, .r 'l'beff. iv. J A c 0 B A T y p E OF c H R I s T. P A R A L L E L ~ I. ~.dCOB was a Supplanter, as.his Name fignifies ; he fupplanted. Ffatt: So J efus J •Chrifi fupplanted, as Guild obferves, Sin .and Satan, &c. . . ll. Jacob was hated and perrecuted by Efau: So was Chrifi by Satan, and Ins Emrf– faries. In ht< great AffliCtions he faw an Angel of God arcending and defcendmgupon him: So Chrift, after his Temptations .in the Wildernefs, and alfo when he was m h1s bloody Agony, was comforted by the Angels of.God; they adminifiered unto him. Ill. Jaoob endured great Hardfhtp Jor Rachel, whom he dearly loved: So Jefws Chrifi endured many Years Sorrow and Trouble for his Church, whom he loved fo dearly, that he laid down his Life .for her Sake. IV. Jaco.b