Eook IV. OR, T Y P E S E X P L A I N E D. 959 IV. Jacob was called a Prince with God; he wrefl!ed long and at !aft was comforted ; SoChrifl: is a mighty Prince, and prevailed alfo, being heard, in that he feared, Heb. v. 7· JACOB's LADDER A TYPE op CHRIST, Gen. xxviii. P A R A L L E L & I. "¥ACOB's Ladder, which he faw in a ViGon, fl:ood upon the Earth, but the Top · J reached to Heaven : So Chrifr, although he was humbled in Shape of linful Flefh, to the Earth, as it were; yet he was the Moft High God, reaching lo to Heaven. JI. The Angels went up and down by it: So we akend up to God by Jefus thrill-, and God defcends, as 1t were, by him alfo down to us. Ill. The Lord fl:ood above it, and made Promlfes of Ca11aan to Jacob: So Goa in Chrifr, and through him, hath made all Promifes of Heaven, and ratified them to us. IV. In the Place which was called the Houfe of God, and Gate of Heaven, was the Ladder feen, Gen. xxviii. '9· So in Chrifl:'s Church, the true Houfe of God, we get a clear and full Sight of Chrift. · J 0 s E p H A T y p E OF c H R 1 s T. P A R A L L E L ~ f. <¥OS EP H, fignifies increaling; he was the Firft-born of Rache!, and Jacob's be– J loved Son: So Chrifl:, in his h-uman Nature, in the Days of his Flefh, grew, and lncreafed in Strength, and in Favor with God and Man; and fa alfo there lhall be of his Kingdom and Glory in the World, who is the Beloved of his Father. IJ. Jofepb was very beautiful, and alfo excelled aJI his Brethren in true Virtue, Gen. xxxvii. 3·. So Jefus Chrift is more beautiful than the Children of Men; lte was ful! of Grace and Truth. 111. Jofeph was a Man of ,great Wifdom, able to expound deep Secrets, &c. In Tefus Chrift are hid aiJ the Treafures of Wifdom and Knowledge, who is therefore -~a lied the Great Counfel!or, and is that blelfed Lamb, who hath prevailed to open the Books; and loofe the Seals thereof: He hath the Spirit without Meafure, and ·thereby opens aJJ the deep Myfreries of God, that lay hid from Ages and Generations; &c. IV. He is caiJed a fruitful Bough, whofe Branches run upon the WaJJ, becaufe out of him branched two Tribes, Ephraim and .Manajjch, Gen. xlix. 22. 1'herein, faith J)r. 'l'a;1or, he was a Type of Chrift, who is not only a fruitful Bough, .and called the Branch, &c. but alfo a Root, from whom aJJ the Tri bes of God branch out, and flourifh. And whereas thofe Trees are withered, ('.hrift rnall lee his Seed, and prolong his Days, and they lnaiJ abide to Eternity_ V. Jofeph was a Type of Chrirt in his ACtions. (r.) He was fent by- his Father, to vifit his Hrethren in the VVildernds, who .eviHy treated him there: :>o Jefus Chrill: came to viGt his poor People, who were wandering in the Wildernefs of this \Vorld; and when he came hither, was cvifly treated by his own Brethren, the Je·:vs, who con– fpired to take away his Life, like as Jofepb's Brethren fought to deal by him. (2.) Jo– feph fed his Brethren, and aJJ his Father's Houfe: So Jefus Chnft feeds the Church of God. (:;.) Jojepb being innocent, yet futfcred many hard Things: So did <::hrift. (4·) He did ali the Good he could for his Brethren, who had ill deferved it from his Hands: ~o did Jefus Chrift deal by _poor Sinners, who had abufed him, and fl:iJI daily do. (5.) He taught his Brethren tht great .Duty of brotherly Love; See that ye fait JZotout by the 1vay: So Jefus Chrift, above ;:J] L elfons, comrnends to us the new Commandment of Love, &c. , V1 .. Jofepb was a Type of Chrift, not only in the ACtions of his Life, and in refpect of thofe Things he fulfcred, and cruel Temptations he met with, &c. but alfo in his Ad– vancement, and great Preferment ; he by being abafecl was railed to Honor: So was Jefus Chrift. Jofeph was made a mighty Lo:cl, and wa~ next to Pharaoh : So is Chrill: advanced in Power and Glory next to God lumfelf. Every Man was to bow to Jo– feph, Gen. xli. 43· So every one is required to bow the Knee to j efus Chrifr, Phi!. ii. 10. All were to go to Jofeph, they were to dependupon Ius Word: Go~o Jofeph, Jaith Pharaoh, aud wbn.t be faith Id)'ou, do y, Cm. xh. 5.5• So God the Father hath 3 given