M 0 SE S' s V A I L RE M .0 V E D; Book IV. given Chrifl: a Name above every Narr:e; Alls iii. 22, 23. And whatfceYer any Sin– ller or Btliever wants, the Father commands them to go to Jefus, and to hear him i>~ every Thing that he !hall f.1y unto them. 'Ihis is my be/o;;ed Son, .ill who;11 ] am well _pleajcd; hem·)·e him, Matt. Iii, •.7· M 0 S E S A T Y P E o,F CH R I S T. 'I. MOSES was a Type of Chrifl: in his Perfon: (.r.) He was of mean PJrents and Birth: So was Chrifl: in refpeft of his Flefh, or human Nature, of a poor de– cayed and dried Stock, being born of a ,poor Virgin. (2 .) Jlifojes was no fanner born, but he was expoled to the Wrath of Pharaoh King of Eg;•pt, who fOught to pur him to death: So Chrift in his Infancy was fought by J(ing Herod to be Oam ; but both by God's extraordinary Providence were delivered. (3.) Mofes was of a meek and liveet Difpofition, above all that dwelt upon the Earth, yet full of Zeal and lndiunaticn :igainft Sin : So Cluift WdS a Pattern of Meeknefs and Humility, Learn of ;~e, ·&c. Matt. xi . 28, 29. Il. Mofes in his Office and Function was a Type of Chrift. ( r.) He was appoint~d by God, and fcnt to deliver Jfrael out of Pharaoh's cruel Bondage: So Jefus Chrift was ap_pointed and fent to dellver all the Ifrae! of God from the cruel BondJse of Satan, and heavy Oppreflion and Burden oi Sin. (2.) i'v!rfes was fent to lead Jfrae! towards CanamJ: So Jcfus Chrirl: leads us to Heaven, the Anti-type of Canamz. But in this there is a Difparity : Mofes led lfrael but unto the Sight of tile promiled Land • but Jefus Chri!l: leads us quite into Heaven, or the Land of Promifc. (3-J Mofes was learned in all the Learning of Egypt: Chrift was learned to Admiration ; his Enemies cried our, From whence bath he all this Learning? (4.) Mofes gave the Law, havino– firft received it from the Hand of God: So Jefus Chri!l: hath given us the Law of th~ Gofpel, as he received it from his Father. (5.) Mofes was Mediator of the fir!l: Co– venant, and as fo confidered, was both King, Prieft, and Prophet: Jefus Chrift is Mediator of the !t:cond Covenant, and as fo allo both King, Prieft, and Prophet. (6.) Mofes wrought man)' mighty Miracles in Eg)pt, at the Red Sen, and in the Wil– dernef<, ro confirm the Law, and to fhew Ifrael tl~at he was really fent of God: So Jefus Chri!l: wrought many ftrange and wonderful Miracle£, by Sea and Land, in Towns and Deferts, to n1anrfeli his Glory, to !hew he was fent of God, and to confirm his J)oqrine. (7.) Mof<:s intiituted the PaJfover: So Chrjfl, the true Mofes, inl1iruted the Supper. Ill. Jv!ofes in his Faithfuln,ef.< was a Type of-cl>ri!l:; he was faithful as a Servant.; he did all Things exaftly acqlrding to the Pattern !hewed him in the Mount: So Chrill: in. all Things was faithful as a Son, Heb. iii. 5· IV. Mofes being to deliver the Law, fatted forty Days and forty N ights in the Moun– tain alone: Chrifl: being ro preach the Gofpel, fafl:ed lo long in the Wilclerncfs. V. He was a Type of Chrirl: in many particular AEtions of his Life: (t.) Mojes married an Ethiopian, a Stranger, a Black: So Chrrfr elpouled the Gentiles, who were Strangers to God, and, by reafan of Sin, as black as Hell could make them. (2.) Mofcs fweetened the bitter Waters of Mara.b, by a Tree caft into it: So Chrifl fweetens all our Affi1Etions by the Me>ns .of his C:rofs. (3.) JV!ofes led Ifrae/ through the Red Sea: Chrirl: leads hrs Church through a Sea of Tribulauon. (4.) As Jvlo.fos was tranf– fioured on Mount,Sinai, and feemed fo glorious, that the Children of Jfrael could not b~hold his Face: So Jefus Chrift alfo was transfigured in Mount ;rabor, fo as his DiJ~ ciples were amazed, and will: not what they faid. JOSHUA A TYPE OF c H R I s T. P A R A L L E L ~ L yos HUA, or Jefus, he was a Savior, as his Nam e fignifies, he faved Jfrac! from temporal and external Enemies and Calamities: So Chrifl: f.wes us from all [pi– ritual and 'nternal Enemres and Miferies, as well as he will from all external. !I. ·yojhua led lfracl quite into Canaan, not only umo the Sight of it, bur into it: So i{:;l;rillltads us, as we faid before, into Heaven. What ;li,fes could not do, Jofbua J d~